Welcome to Tom and Jana's 2019
Guatemala (Plus Copan, Honduras)
Travel Journal!
Fifteen Days of Springtime in February
Once upon a time in 1997, I (Jana) decided to move 900 miles from my home in Edmond, Oklahoma, to the big city of Knoxville, Tennessee. (Once the site of a World's Fair!) A year earlier, I'd gotten my first computer and first email address, so I decided to see what I could find out about Knoxville on the emerging World Wide Web.
This was way before Google. We're talking CompuServe, AOL, and Ask Jeeves times. So when I looked up Knoxville, there weren't more than about six or eight webpages to be found based in Knoxville, but one of them happened to be a travel journal by this guy named Tom, and he'd posted his email address. So I sent this Tom guy an email asking about Knoxville. He responded, and after I moved, he suggested we meet. The rest, as they say, is history.
As it happens, Tom had only two travel journals posted at that time, and one of them was from his trip to Guatemala in 1997. 22 years later, it was time to revisit some of those places. This time, with me...
Tom and Jana on Volcan Pacaya